Friday, July 18, 2008

Adventure Time - Briefly. (Dunkeld)

P and I went Adventuring on Sunday, to Dunkeld and Birnam. There was no declaiming from the hills, sadly, although we weren't really up high enough. But the views were spectacular, the weather was lovely, there was excellent fish and chips, and there was wildlife.
My animal count for the day included wild rabbits, black wild rabbits, seals, cormorants, ducks, deer (2 of), a very self-assured cat, wading birds, black faced gulls, and ducks. Paul will shortly write about the ducks. They were... very forward.
There will be a proper entry shortly with pictures, but in the meantime, here's a teaser:

I met a cat. It was probably a stray, but very friendly. I knelt down to pet it, and it walked round behind me, and... well, you can see for yourself:

It would seem that a black wool cloak makes an excellent blanket; he/she is pretty blissed out in that second photo.

It must also be noted that P's ability to use my camera at short notice is most impressive (it's a DSLR).
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