Sunday, November 23, 2008

Darkness in Edinburgh.

I've just finished transcribing 100+ Presargonic inscriptions into my Excel Spreadsheet O' Doom, so have rewarded myself by playing with some photos. Here are the results - partly inspired by 's complaint about stolen snow. (Thank you, my dear!)

It snowed last night, at about 3am.
From Edinburgh at night.
From Edinburgh at night.

It was lying on the roof outside my window:
From Edinburgh at night.
From Edinburgh at night.

It got up to about 1.5cm by the time I went to bed, so everything began to look magical, the way ordinary objects begin to when they are covered in a dusting of snow. Sadly, it had melted by this morning.


The moon has been interesting recently:
From Edinburgh at night.

From Edinburgh at night.

From Edinburgh at night.

During the festival, it was rising over the Royal Mile:
From Edinburgh at night.
From Edinburgh at night.
From Edinburgh at night.


And finally, the Castle looks brooding and ominous in the mist:
From Edinburgh at night.
From Edinburgh at night.
From Edinburgh at night.

I hope you liked them.
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