Apparently, we might have severe gales early on Thursday morning.
However, we should consider ourselves lucky. A little further west or north, and we'd be expecting heavy snow, since that's what pretty much the rest of Scotland is getting.
I'm sorry, but someone hasn't got the memo. When it comes to snow, we've been there, and done that. I think most people would rather not get the t-shirt, thank you very much.
And we woke up to a light dusting of snow on the roofs this morning.
It's worth noting that the worst snow weather that Edinburgh received was back in the 1800s, and took place during February and March. So maybe this winter is going to try and top that...
But all the crocuses are in bloom, and the daffodils are starting to come out. We've had several gloriously bright and sunny days, with blue sky and cold, clear weather. It was getting nicely springlike. I love snow, and having so much last year was exciting (and not too much of a pain, since I have rubber grips for my shoes so I don't slip, and I walk everywhere anyway) but I do have mixed feelings about going back to cold grey days and wearing a scarf up to my eyes in order to breathe...even if it does mean having fun walking to work in full wet weather gear through a foot of snow.