Anyway, I'm feeling a bit more up to braining now, so have an entry with some photos. There's a street (well, more of a very small back alley) in the depths of upper-middle-class residential Morningside which masquerades as a snippet of the lawless American Wild West. Unfortunately, it wasn't dropped into Morningside by some long-lived and magical tornado (a là Wizard of Oz), instead, it was a normal alley of garages and workshops until a furniture maker (who specialised in Spanish-style furnishings) built all the wooden frontages as an advertising gimmick. This was a very long time ago, an some bits have rotted away, although most of it is being kept in decent condition. The decay is also pleasingly photogenic.
Trading Station:
Close up on the balcony:
I liked this window with chains, on the livery stable:
Cantina. Everthing else had a wooden frontage, but this was plaster or stucco:
Window detail on the Cantina:
Sign on the Blacksmith's:
Stage Depot:
Furniture Company - apparently this is the only sign which is essentially real:
Gold Exchange - Change your nuggets here!
The hatch on the exhange door:
Door handle on the exchange - they went to some effort, even with the small details:
On the way home, we saw a rainbow:
It was a full arc:
Once it faded away, we moved on:
Where is this place in Edinburgh. I was there on holiday in December, but I didn't visit this place. The Hogmanay was great, though. My wife and I had a great time.