"Oh, I really envy you on your couch." says she.
I just ignored it, but it's now really bugging me that I didn't make reference to how she could enjoy the excrutiating pain too. Or similar put-down. I really hate esprit d'escalier. Dammit!
There is always tomorrow, but it would be too late, and anyway, I'm pretty sure it was thoughtless or badly put - she really meant she'd prefer to be working on the couch at home, rather than suggesting that I wasn't working, or that I wasn't in pain/didn't have a good reason to work from home.
Anyway, on a far more entertaining note, have some fireworks photos. These are all taken from the comfort of my bedroom window, while wearing my jammies. There's an advantage to living in such a noisy place!
Also, the only processing has been the watermark and resizing. All the weird effects are due to long exposures and in some cases, the high winds.
A good example - no photoshoppery, even though it looks like someone scribbled on the sky with a pencil.
I'll stick the rest under a cut; have a look: